Monday, 20 June 2016

Why Wait in Line when you can Relax?

Ever flown on a commercial flight, landed, and been stuck in a line waiting to exit the plane while your head is awkwardly tilting to avoid hitting the ceiling over your seat?  I have had the pleasure to fly all over the world and there is something common in every culture or geographic region that I find so strange and interesting:  when the plane lands, everyone is in a mad rush to leave the plane.  The rush to get out usually starts when the seat-belt sign is lifted off but I've seen people springing up to get their bags from the overhead compartment even while the plane is still taxiing to its gate!

But why the mad rush to get out?  Why not just sit comfortably and wait for the line to get more sparse and then stand up?  Don't people realize that it doesn't make a difference if they get out first?  We've been sitting for hours, why not another few minutes?  If they get to the Immigration and Customs first, they will also get to the baggage conveyor belt first, which means they will simply have to wait there until all of the luggage gets out. Everyone's luggage comes out pretty much at the same time, so we're talking a matter of plus or minus a few minutes.  So everyone eventually ends up waiting for the baggage at the conveyor belt anyway so why not take a more relaxed approach to leaving the plane.

Similarly, while boarding the plane, everyone rushes to stand in line the moment the gate opens. Why?  Your seat's not going anywhere, it's reserved! Why not relax on the seats and just walk in as you see the line thin out.  Less stress, more rest, happy journey!

When we think we're saving time ... more often than not, we're probably just adding stress.  Taking time to do things can and will relax you.

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